Kidney tumours: a parent's guide
Published: Mar 2022
Next review: Mar 2025
Information and support for when your child is diagnosed with a Wilms tumour or other types of kidney tumours. This booklet contains information about the different types of childhood kidney cancer, the treatments that are used and their possible side effects. It also discusses how a cancer diagnosis can affect you, your child and the rest of the family.
Although many children with cancer can be cured, it is devastating to hear that your child has cancer. This booklet provides general information about kidney cancer (renal tumours) that occur in children. It is designed to provide a reference to the information you have been given already, or will be given in the future, and will act as a reminder of discussions you have had with your child’s treatment team. Whilst this information may answer some of your questions, your child’s specialist doctor and/or nurse will give you more detailed information, and your child’s individual case should always be discussed with the team of healthcare professionals caring for your child.
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How this resource was made
Edited and reviewed by Professor Kathy Pritchard-Jones and Mrs Reem Al-Saadi (Great Ormond Street Hospital and UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health); Dr Sucheta Vaidya (Royal Marsden Hospital), on behalf of the CCLG Renal Tumours Special Interest Group; Angela Polanco (founder of Bethany’s Wish); and the CCLG Information Advisory Group, comprising multiprofessional experts in the field of children’s cancer.
This version is published in conjunction with Bethany’s Wish, a Special Named Fund at CCLG, dedicated to Bethany Polanco, who sadly lost her life to Wilms tumour, a rare childhood cancer of the kidney. For more information, please visit www.cclg.org.uk/BethanysWish
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