Anna loses her hair
Published: Aug 2022
Next review: Aug 2025
A children’s guide to hair loss as a result of cancer treatment. This book tells the story of Anna, Jack and Laura who all lose their hair while having treatment for cancer and helps young children to understand what might happen. Parents and carers are encouraged to read the book with their child so they can answer any questions they might have about losing their hair.
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How this resource was made
Originally written by Penelope Hart-Spencer, Play Specialist and Paediatric Support Coordinator at The Christie NHS Trust, Manchester and reviewed by the CCLG Information Advisory Group, comprising parents, survivors and multiprofessional experts in the field of children’s cancer. This story was inspired by a special little girl called Angelica and her lovely family who kindly agreed for it to be shared to help other children and families. Illustrated by Debbie Liggins.
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