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Cancer stories

Lucie's story

In October 2021, 5 year old Lucie, was diagnosed with Wilms tumour. Her mum, Leonie, shares her story.


Superhero Sophie ‘Cs through September’ with cycling challenge

An eight-year-old girl undergoing treatment for leukaemia has raised over & £2,600 for Children's Cancer and Leukaemia Group (CCLG) by tackling an epic cycle challenge last month. Sophie Miller was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) in April 2021, aged seven.

 A young girl with a bald head and a nasogastric tube is ringing the End of Treatment Bell. She is wearing a navy party dress, surrounded by colourful balloons and decorations.
Cancer stories

Indeg's story

Indeg was diagnosed with a grade 3 anaplastic ependymoma brain tumour in November 2020 when she was six years old. Her mum, Ceri, shares her story.