Children’s Cancer and Leukaemia Group (CCLG) hosts its Annual Meeting next week (March 20-21), bringing together over 450 experts from across the childhood cancer community.
The UK’s leading children’s cancer meeting for professionals returns for two days of essential updates on best practice excellence and cutting-edge research.
The meeting, held at the East Midlands Conference Centre in Nottingham in partnership with the National Cancer Research Institute (NCRI) Children’s Group and Teenagers & Young Adults with Cancer (TYAC), provides a unique opportunity for medical and healthcare professionals to come together and share news and discoveries in children’s cancer.
A bumper programme features important in-depth multidisciplinary sessions on neuroblastoma, brain tumours and leukaemia, clinical insight sessions on supportive care and late effects, specialist parallel sessions for nurses, radiotherapists, surgeons, haematologists and much more.
Delegates will hear from leading children’s cancer experts, including Professor Ajay Vora, Consultant Paediatric Haematologist at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH), who is one of the UK’s foremost authorities on childhood leukaemia, with this year’s keynote lecture, ‘ALL in a lifetime’.
This year’s conference also sees the return of CCLG’s Member and Research Awards, introduced in 2022, to recognise the contributions of individuals and teams to the work of CCLG and children with cancer.
TYAC Education Day
This year, for the first time, a dedicated education day for those professionals who treat and care for teenagers and young adults with cancer, will be held on the second day of the conference as a parallel stream, with a focus on late effects and research – including hearing from young people themselves talking about their first-hand experiences of having had cancer.
Ashley Ball-Gamble, CCLG and TYAC CEO, said:
We’re looking forward to welcoming members and delegates to our biggest-ever meeting next week.
We have a wide and varied programme in place, full of interesting and insightful learnings from some of the UK’s leading experts in children’s cancer.
We’re also excited that, for the first time at the conference, we will host a dedicated TYAC Education Day, to highlight some of the unique needs of teen and young adult cancer patients and some of the vital work being done to support them.