Magazine articles list

Connecting with the childhood cancer community

Sheila Cartwright, one of the first CCLG members and retired paediatric radiation oncologist, reflects on her career, and explains how LinkedIn allows her to keep up with developments in childhood cancer and reconnect with former patients.

Bridging the gap for teenagers and young adults with cancer

With the COVID-19 pandemic delaying many of its plans, Teenagers and Young Adults with Cancer (TYAC), CCLG’s sister organisation, has revisited its ambitious 2020-2025 strategic plan. Ashley Ball-Gamble, CEO of TYAC and CCLG, explains more.

What is cancer?

Dr Ed Cheeseman, Consultant Paediatric Pathologist and Chair of CCLG’s Biological Studies Steering Group, explains the difference between ‘normal’ cells and cancer cells, how the latter develop, and what they do to the body.

Medical adviser: issue 92

Dr Martin English, Consultant Paediatric Oncologist at Birmingham Children's Hospital and CCLG member writes...

Children, teenagers and young adults UK cancer statistics report 2021

This year, a new cancer statistics report for children, teenagers and young adults was published. This is the first report for almost a decade covering the whole of the UK and the first that covers both children’s and teenage and young adult cancers. With input from CCLG professional members, the report was shared at our Winter Meeting in February, and will help us to understand progress in the management of these cancers. Here are some key figures from the report:

What to expect emotionally during your child’s treatment

Dr Rob Jobe is a clinical psychologist at Health in Mind, Birmingham Children’s Hospital. He spoke to parents about some of the emotions they experienced during their child’s cancer journey and offers advice on managing such feelings.