CCLG BCRT bone cancer research grants

Children’s Cancer and Leukaemia Group (CCLG) is excited to be partnering with The Bone Cancer Research Trust to fund research focused on Ewing sarcoma and osteosarcoma.  

Both charities are also delighted to welcome a third collaborator, Ewing's Sarcoma Research Trust (ESRT), whose generous support means that we are able to increase the funding available in this scheme for researchers focusing on Ewing sarcoma specifically.

Over the past several decades, advancements in the treatment of Ewing sarcoma and osteosarcoma have remained limited; both involve intensive and toxic chemotherapy regimens, with patients facing gruelling immediate, long term and late effects of treatment, as well as the risk of relapse and recurrence. Methods of determining prognosis and predicting or monitoring response to treatment are also lacking.

All three charities are committed to improving outcomes for patients and believe the best way to do this is to fund high impact, collaborative research.

Ewing sarcoma funding

BCRT, CCLG and ESRT are keen to support both basic science and translational proposals that demonstrate a clear line of sight to patient benefit, irrespective of how far from clinical application the project is. We are particularly interested in applications focusing on the discovery, development or validation of biomarkers of Ewing sarcoma. Biomarkers may be prognostic, predictive or markers of response and may be patient sample derived or imaging biomarkers.

We are also particularly keen to fund research focused on improving the treatment of Ewing sarcoma and patient outcomes – specifically funding improved or new treatment options which are kinder and result in reduced toxicity and less severe long-term side effects.

Funding is available to support Idea grants and Project grants.

Idea or pilot grants should be focused on gaining preliminary data and show a clear path to larger funding applications. These are usually capped at £35,000, however, this may be increased to £50,000 in exceptional cases. Applicants should contact us to discuss this prior to submitting an application.

Funding for Project Grants is usually capped at £250,000, however, we would recommend applicants contact us to discuss proposals seeking funding over this value. These applications must be evidence based and demonstrate a clear trajectory, irrespective of timescales, towards clinical implementation.

Funding is available to both UK and international applicants based in an academic or clinical institution.

Osteosarcoma funding

Funding is available to support Idea (pilot) grants, which should be focused on gaining preliminary data and show a clear path to larger funding applications. These are usually capped at £35,000, however, this may be increased to £50,000 in exceptional cases.

Applicants should contact us to discuss this prior to submitting an application. Funding is available to applicants based at a UK academic or clinical institution.

Projects should be hypothesis generating and should be focused on accelerating progress in osteosarcoma research. Projects may be discovery focused or translational, however, must demonstrate thought to patient benefit or clinical application, irrespective of timescales.

Patient & Public Involvement in the development of applications will be expected. The Bone Cancer Research Trust has a Patient and Public Involvement Panel (PPIP), who may be contacted to support your application. Please email us to find out more about how to engage with the panel.

All costings will be fully scrutinised and so clear justifications should be included.

The closing date for this funding scheme is 5pm on Friday 14th June 2024 and awards are likely to be made in Q4 2024.

To request an application, please contact us here.