Lead investigator: Prof Deb Tweddle, Newcastle University
Funded by The Little Princess Trust and administered by CCLG
Funded July 2018
Award: £123,947.50
Neuroblastoma is the most common paediatric solid tumour outside the central nervous system, with around 100 new UK cases each year. High risk neuroblastoma comprises the largest patient group, with low and intermediate (medium) risk making up the remainder. Intermediate risk neuroblastoma is a highly variable group, with some patients having good survival, but some having a much poor prognosis, especially those with 'MYCN non-amplified (not having multiple copies of the MYCN gene, which is common in neuroblastoma), unresectable (cannot be removed by surgery) tumours with unfavourable histology (having characteristics seen under the microscope which indicate a poor prognosis).'
This study will investigate the genetics of this poorer prognosis group of intermediate risk patients to determine if they share features with the high risk group and in the future should be reclassified as high risk. The study will profile the genetics of this tumours, and compare the data with previously published studies to match the genetic data with the clinical outcome. This may lead to some patients in this group being reclassified in the future, and treated more intensively.