Using next-generation gene technology to help children with blood cancers in low-income countries.
Defining the molecular landscape of paediatric and adolescent acute leukaemia in Tanzania
We have been funding expert research since 2016, aiming to ensure that every child and young person has a safe and effective treatment for their cancer, and that they can live long and happy lives post-treatment.
Defining the molecular landscape of paediatric and adolescent acute leukaemia in Tanzania
Optimising tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy in newly diagnosed metastatic Ewing sarcoma
Enhancing CAR T-cell expansion and prolonged persistence for the effective treatment of paediatric medulloblastoma
ALLTogether1 CSF-FLOW Study
Identifying drivers of central nervous system involvement in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia
Investigating the preclinical efficacy of albendazole in paediatric acute myeloid leukaemia
Dissecting the role of CD133/PROM1 in MLL rearranged acute lymphoblastic leukaemia to develop novel targeted therapy
The Role of Cut-and-Run, an Aberrant V(D)J Recombination Reaction, in the Development of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemias with Poor Prognosis
Towards a new therapy against childhood brain cancer: How does the Zika virus kill aggressive brain tumour cells?