Using genetics to find targets for new drugs to treat relapsed neuroblastoma
Characterisation and validation of recurrently mutated genes in relapsed neuroblastoma as targets for novel therapies
We have been funding expert research since 2016, aiming to ensure that every child and young person has a safe and effective treatment for their cancer, and that they can live long and happy lives post-treatment.
Characterisation and validation of recurrently mutated genes in relapsed neuroblastoma as targets for novel therapies
Molecular pathophysiology of histone G34R mutated childhood brain tumours: towards the development of novel targeted therapies
Histopathology of lymphomas in children with primary immune deficiency
Improving the diagnosis of children’s brain tumours by Functional Radiomics
Epigenetic deregulation of splicing in childhood renal malignancies
Ordering of driver mutations in bilateral Wilms’ tumour
Investigation of the effects of DNA repair inhibitors in pre-clinical models of neuroblastomas with ATM, MYCN and TP53 abnormalities
Investigating the arginine auxotrophy of paediatric brain tumours
Developing leukaemic biomarkers to enable personalised CNS-directed therapy