Young People's Representatives for the TYAC Professional Education Group

The TYAC (Teenagers and Young Adults with Cancer) Professional Education Group has an exciting opportunity for young people to become a Young People's Representative. The role will be at the heart of the the group's efforts to improve the care of teenage and young adults during and following cancer treatment.

  • Published:

What is the purpose of the role?

This is an opportunity for young people (16 and over, with a small proportion aged 25 years and over) to work within a group of teenage and young adult cancer specialists and express their thoughts on the health issues that matter most to them in order to influence education and training. This small working group includes doctors, nurses, psychologists, social care and other health care professionals.

The group are keen to ensure that the voices of teenagers and young adults are represented and able to share their views, influence decision making processes and outputs of the groups. We want to listen to the voices of teenagers and young adults in order that their ideas and experiences can inform our work.

What is the aim of the group?

Learn, network, influence, develop

The group aims to advance the role that networking and learning play in improving the care of teenagers and young adults with cancer, by:

  • Facilitating multi-disciplinary conferences and training events.
  • Supporting professionals.
  • Influencing the education agenda for professionals.
  • Disseminating information on education and training opportunities.
  • Contributing to the development of competency-based training for professionals caring for teenagers and young adults with cancer.

What is the commitment?

As a group member your responsibilities will include:

  • Attending 6-9 meetings per year via Zoom for one hour.
  • Where possible to attend other learning events, conferences etc.
  • Spending time independently reading and commenting on related documents in between meetings.
  • Working with the group to ensure young people’s perspective and voice is represented in authentic and meaningful way by seeking the views of other young people.
  • Providing the expert and unique voice of a young person who has had a lived experience of cancer.

What skills do I need?

  • Ability to represent your own and views of other young people with a lived experience. (we will support you to identify ways of doing this)
  • Confidence in working as part of a collaborative team. Remember everyone in the group works regularly with teenagers and young people and will help you feel like you belong in the group and help you build up confidence.
  • Ability and time to attend the meetings.
  • Ability to read a document, think about it and have confidence to say if you think it’s good or could be better.

What will I get out of it?

By being part of this group you will gain valuable skills and experience which you can demonstrate on your CV, job interviews and in the workplace. A written reference can be provided by the chair on request. Skills and experienced gained include:

  • Thorough induction with the co-chairs of the group to ensure you feel adequately prepared before your first meeting.
  • Opportunity to de-brief with the chair following meeting to reflect on your experience and necessary support moving forwards.
  • Get to know a great bunch of people, and learn how projects move from ideas, to the delivery of educational workshops and conferences.
  • Development of skills such as innovation, critical thinking, communication and problem solving.
  • Experience of working with third sector and health sector professionals.
  • Any relevant training required to help you get the most out of your role.
  • Feeling proud about work you were involved in.

How do I apply for this opportunity?

If you are interested in this opportunity, please email stating:

  • What attracted you to this opportunity?
  • What skills or experience do you think you could bring?

It would be great if you could join us via Zoom at the next meeting – Tuesday 14th June at 3:00pm.