Children’s Cancer and Leukaemia Group (CCLG) hosted its annual Research and Member Awards ceremony (March 20).
The Awards, held at the East Midlands Conference Centre in Nottingham, as part of CCLG’s Annual Meeting, celebrated the outstanding contribution of members and researchers to the work of CCLG and children with cancer.
A total of eight Member Awards and six Research Awards were presented, to acknowledge and reward teams and individuals for best practice excellence and cutting-edge studies.
Nominated by their fellow CCLG members, Member Award winners were chosen based on key criteria. These included measuring the impact and tangible benefits of their work, and whether they have demonstrated CCLG values, such as professionalism, compassion and commitment, as well as criteria specific to the individual award itself.
A wide breadth of categories included the ‘Lifetime Achievement Award’, which recognises those who have played a significant part within the paediatric oncology community for over 30 years, and the ‘Johann Visser Award for Outstanding Contribution’, for those who have gone above and beyond to support the work and services of CCLG and its members.
Professor Bruce Morland, Professor Ajay Vora and Rachel Hollis were all awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award, while Dr Martin English and Professor Rod Skinner, received the Johann Visser Award.
The CCLG Research Awards, meanwhile, showcased some of the world-class, pioneering projects supported by CCLG which are helping to break through boundaries and drive forward change in the treatment and care of young cancer patients, with categories including the ‘Innovation and Change Award’, won by Helen Pearson, and ‘Early Career Investigator Award’ given to Roisin Borrill.
Ashley Ball-Gamble, CCLG CEO, said:
Our awards ceremony is an opportunity to shine a light on some of the incredible efforts of those working to improve the lives of children with cancer.
Our Member Awards celebrate and recognise the outstanding contributions of individual members to the work of CCLG and the professional community, while our Research Awards highlight advances in clinical science and patient care and some the crucial, innovative work being done to continue to drive improvement.
What is evident from each and every award is the relentless determination and drive of those deservedly recognised to changing child cancer.
Member Award winners
Excellence in Delivery - Dr Bob Phillips
Innovation in Practice – Louise Ollett
Inspirational Member - Eurig Jenkins
Lifetime Achievement – Prof Bruce Morland, Rachel Hollis and Prof Ajay Vora
Outstanding Leadership - Danielle Jones
Rising Star - Rebecca Weaver and Dr Timothy Ritzmann
Team of the Year - Conservative surgery with brachytherapy for children with rhabdomyosarcoma of the bladder/prostate or pelvis
Johann Visser – Prof Rod Skinner and Dr Martin English
Research Award winners
Innovation and Change - Helen Pearson
Outstanding Cross-disciplinary - Dr Timothy Ritzmann
Experimental and Translational Science - Shun Chang
Early Career Investigator - Roisin Borrill
Patient Involvement and Engagement – Dr Shaarna Shanmugavadivel
Transforming Care – Dr Madhumita Dandapani