
Information Standard

We achieved Information Standard accreditation in October 2011 and are now nationally recognised as a high-quality information provider for childhood cancer.

British Medical Association (BMA) Patient Information Awards

The annual prestigious BMA Awards give recognition to accessible, well-designed and clincally balanced information which promote greater awareness and understanding of health matters, and patient choice. A number of CCLG publications have achieved outstanding success and received the following awards and commendations:

Award winners

2019  Helping your child to eat well during cancer treatment (First Prize in Young Adult Award Category)
2012  Sport and Exercise for Children and Young People with Cancer: A Parent's Guide
2011  Managing Symptoms at Home Patient Information Resource of the Year (Runner-Up)
2008  Children with Cancer and Pets
2006  A Parent's Guide to Children's Cancers

Highly Commended 

2019  Anna Loses her Hair: A Children's Guide (and shortlisted for Children Award) 
2018  When Your Child's Cancer Comes Back (and shortlisted for Self-Care Award)
2018  My child has finished treatment
2017  My child has a brain or spinal tumour
2017  Childhood Cancer Drugs Factsheets
2017  Managing Family Life and Cancer
2016  Welcome Back: A guide for teachers
2014  Aftercure: A guide for teenage and young adult survivors of childhood cancer
2013  I have a friend who has cancer
2008  Choices - When it seems there are none
2008  Facing the Death of Your Child
2007  Biological Studies and Tumour Banking
2005  Grandparents


2019  #BeAChildCancerFriend awareness animation
2011  Helping Your Child to Eat
2010  Ruby's Stem Cell Journey
2009  A Guide to Clinical Trials
2009  Follow Up - A Guide for Parents
2009  Jess's Bone Marrow Donation

Association of Social Care Communicators

2012  Sport and Exercise for Children and Young People with Cancer: A Parent's Guide

British Association of Communicators in Business Awards

Award of Excellence

2009  Contact magazine
2002  Contact magazine
2001  Contact magazine
2000  Contact magazine

Certificate of Merit

2008  Contact magazine
2005  Contact magazine

Class Winner

2000  Contact magazine