Front cover for booklet - Ruby's stem cell harvest and transplant

Ruby's stem cell harvest and transplant

Published: Sep 2024

Next review: Sep 2027


A children's guide to stem cell harvesting and transplant using their own stem cells (autologous transplant). This book tells the story of Ruby and tries to This booklet is designed to help younger children understand their stem cell harvest and transplant, and to explain some of the things that may happen to them.  

Parents and carers are encouraged to read the book with their child so they can answer any questions they might have.

You can order free physical copies of this publication by adding it to the cart, or you can download the digital version.


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How this resource was made

This edition was reviewed by Craig Baillie, Stem Cell Transplant Clinical Nurse Specialist, Royal Hospital for Children, Glasgow, in conjunction with the CCLG Information Advisory Group, comprising parents, carers, survivors and multiprofessional experts in the field of childhood cancer.

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