Children and young people with cancer: a parent's guide
Published: Feb 2014
Next review: Feb 2017
This booklet is for parents and carers of a child, teenager or young adult who has been diagnosed with cancer. We hope it answers your questions and helps you deal with some of the feelings you may have.
This booklet gives information about children's cancers, the treatments that can be used and their possible side effects. It also discusses how a cancer diagnosis can affect you, your child and the rest of your family.
Information includes incidence, diagnosis and tests, staff involved in the care of the child, treatment, side effects, emotions and feelings, drug information and help and support.
2006 Winner of BMA Patient Information Award - First Prize
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How this resource was made
This booklet was revised and edited by Dr Boo Messahel (Consultant Paediatric Oncologist) and colleagues in conjunction with the CCLG Publications Committee, comprising multiprofessional experts in the field of children’s cancer. The previous version of the ‘Parent’s Guide to Children’s Cancer’ was developed by a collaboration between CCLG and Macmillan Cancer Support. CCLG makes every effort to ensure that information provided is accurate and up-to-date at time of printing. We do not accept responsibility for information provided by third parties, including those referred to or signposted to in this publication. Information in this publication should be used to supplement appropriate professional or other advice specific to your circumstances. Thank you to all those whose pictures appear in this booklet.
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